

Welcome to ACE Academy

Online schooling is an amazing opportunity.  It provides flexibility, as well as a more individualized approach to content – allowing each student to tailor their school day to their personal needs.   Online schooling also requires much more self-management at home, as well as a willingness to meet state and school requirements.  Here at ACE Academy, we want to live by our motto, Education Built Around You, and help as many students as possible.  Every student here is here for a different reason, and they each have a unique story/set of circumstances.

Step 1: Fill out an enrollment inquiry form.  Somebody from our office will contact you to schedule an enrollment meeting. 
Enrollment is closed for the 24/25 school year.  The application for 25/26 school year will open March 1.

Step 2: Our admissions process STARTS with an enrollment meeting.  At this meeting, the parent or guardian (or adult student) will meet with the Dean of Students to discuss the student’s unique situation, as well as to be fully informed about the expectations and processes at ACE.  Parents should bring current grades, transcript, and Special Education documents (if applicable).  Students do not typically attend this meeting to discuss potential enrollment, although on occasion it is necessary.  At the conclusion of this meeting, the family can make a well-informed decision about whether ACE is a good fit for their student.  If the family chooses to move forward with enrollment, an orientation date will be given.

Step 3: Student and parent attend the orientation to learn about the programs, turn in required paper work, and meet with student's mentor and the student service advisor.  Orientations are held every couple of weeks throughout the school year.  Due to Ohio attendance laws, it is important that students stay enrolled and attending their current school until their orientation date arrives.   Withdrawing early from school can lead to unexcused absence, and possible truancy.  Enrollment will NOT be complete until orientation day takes place AND all necessary paperwork is turned in.

Step 4: Student completes testing and introductory session to be enrolled as an ACE Academy student.

PHONE: 419.738.4572
FAX: 419.738.4591
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
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Auglaize County Educational Academy is an Equal Opportunity school and does not discriminate on the basis of religion, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, economic status, disability, age, or homelessness.
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